Which direction would you move to get to your dream location?


How am I suppossed to come up with a title for such a random entry?

Yesterday I stayed late after school and left said building without my computer. Guess what...I survived! :) While I'm very glad we have such advanced technology now-a-days, the feeling of being "unreachable" is somewhat refreshing. I've heard people say this type of thing before, but didn't ever think those words would cross my mind or escape my lips, or pour out from my fingers onto a keyboard. Tonight, however, life is back to normal-at least in the technology sense.
Even though I clearly stated in my last post that I would not be sleeping in, I slept in. If you are reading this and you know me, I know you are not surprised. I just can't help the fact that I love sleeping. Willoughby wakes me up every morning and sits on my chest and just looks at me with his half open eyes that say, "just five minutes more...please?" Either that or it's "If you move one more time, or that stupid phone alarm vibrates even for a nanosecond, my claw will be ripping your face apart." Sometimes it's hard to read cats' expressions.
After a late, shaky start to the morning, I headed to school. The day was a normal Tuesday and I stayed after school until 5:30 working on random items that needed to be taken care of before the next day. Basically, I live the same life everyday. It's boring and routine, but I think that makes the simple non-routine day seem extraordinary. Maybe that's why I get so excited just to go to Hays to go grocery shopping. Why I look forward to seeing friends and family three hours away. Maybe it's also the reason that I look forward to coming home after long trips.
I've pretty much decided that I'm staying in Ransom this summer. It's going to be a lot different from last year when I was constantly traveling, but I think it'll be good for me to stay put for a while.

Positive Count-Up
98) My big blue towel
99) Q-tips
100) Reaching my 100th Resplendent Moment already!
101) Washing machines
102) Dryers
103) Completing almost all of my to-do list, for the time being
104) Janitors
105) Crossing off to-do list items
106) My pretty new notepads with special designs for every month
107) Microwaves
108) Civil conversations about students with a parent
109) Receiving a compliment from parent mentioned in #108
110) Students making new discoveries
111) Tuning forks and the questions they cause you to ask and answer
112) Advil, greatly needed after fifteen students made new discoveries with nine tuning forks
113) Watching high school basketball footage of Travis
114) "The Unraveling of Santa Claus" by Todd Vogts, proofed by Travis Schafer
Todd, you'll have to comment about how my lovely blog readers can find themselves a copy of your book, so they too can learn, "How Obama drove Santa crazy."

I had over 16 resplendent moments yesterday and today.


Insert somewhat funny "Monday" pun here...

Before going to sleep last night, I was a little worried about how well my early morning would go today, after sleeping away my mornings over the weekend. I did not get up at 6:25 like planned, it was more like 6:40, but the important thing was that I got to school on time looking decent. Check and check. Actually I would give myself more than a check, I think I might have earned a smiley face for having a good hair day. :) There, that's better.
I helped Shellby in the morning because Monroe had to leave daycare. I love small schools. Shellby drove the sick girl, the daughter of the daycare provider, home and then brought her daughter back to school until around noon when Troy came and got her. I think I'm going to miss the small town school atmosphere when I finally move. Heck, with all the consolidations across the board small town schools won't be around for much longer. I guess I'll enjoy the freedom and closeness as they go the way of the horse and buggy.
I can't say that I was all that productive today. I made a fabulously long to-do list and was able to mark cough! cough-one! cough! item off my list. This just means I'll be staying later tomorrow to get everything accomplished.
I tried out a new recipe tonight and it was a success! I paired it with a salad I discovered, made, and loved around Christmas.
It's late and I've got to get some sleep. The shower will be calling my name in the morning, so none of that 6:40 junk.

Positive Count-Up
82) Five-minute snooze on two alarms, give me only 2-3 minutes to fall back asleep between the buzzing
83) Monroe playing with her toys in the library-So cute in here little dress & tights

84) Microsoft Office without it, I would be writing every lesson plan
85) Copying notes on colored paper, it's much more interesting than white
86) My students being so excited about a school social studies project
87) Denise playing FarmVille can we say addicted?
88) The inquisitive minds of my kiddos as I read aloud, they come up with some of the best questions
89) My hair straightener which flipped out the ends of my hair so prettily
90) Cleaning up Christmas in the classroom
91) Marking at least something off of my to-do list before leaving school
92) Realizing again that concession stand stuff is almost finished for the year! We've made almost $3,000 more this year than last.
93) New hamburger steak recipe is a success!
94) Broccoli Cauliflower salad
95) Going outside for recess, it was beautiful
96) Giving my dad information for my new shelves in my bedroom. I'm going to need someone to help me hang them though.
97) Mr. Frank talking to three of my students about how well behaved they are this year. That's pretty amazing.

I had over 15 resplendent moments on January 11, 2010.


Weekend full of Cleaning and Relaxing

I haven't posted all weekend, and now that my friend Todd has spread the word of the Resplendent Moments I should get in gear and let you all know the enjoyable moments of the weekend. Friday was a good day at school, I wasn't terribly motivated, but the kiddos were in good moods so it was a successful day. The evening was uneventful, spending most of my time in my room making plans to clean on Saturday and staying up late to watch episodes of The Office.
My morning started late, which was extremely nice. I didn't finally crawl out of bed until noon, which is when I started cleaning. I cleaned the kitchen, and still found pieces of glass from the pan that shattered during the Christmas. In between cleaning I read the Little House books. I get to start reading them to the kids on Monday. I remember my mom reading them to us when we were little, and it's fun to think that my students will remember them, hopefully as fondly as I do.
Today was just like yesterday calm, relaxing, and productive. I have more laundry waiting for me at home, but now I'm enjoying watching The Hangover with the guys who made taco salad for supper. Thanks Todd and Travis!
School starts tomorrow, and I'm
almost looking forward to it. :)

Positive Count-Up
73) The cast, crew, writers of The Office- thanks for making me laugh!
74) Sleeping late
75) Laura Ingalls Wilder and the people who published her books
76) Remembering my mom reading the books to us, and the tapes she recorded of her reading when she couldn't be there for bedtime
77) Taking inventory for the concession stand for the last time this year!!!!
78) The Hangover-not at all appropriate, but definitely hilarious
79) Taco salad made for me :)
80) Freshly laundered sheets and blankets to sleep on tonight
81) Art tomorrow morning which means plan time for me

I had over 9 resplendent moments this weekend.*

*There were definitely more, but I didn't post throughout the weekend so I missed a lot. It was a wonderfully refreshing weekend.


I didn't want to get up this morning. I was watching The Bachelor last night and reading one of my favorite books ever, Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder. I'm going to start reading the Little House series to my class as soon as we finish On My Honor, a sad captivating book. Right now I'm watching the kids play Wiffle ball during recess.

Positive Count-Up
61) A warm cat purring when I wake up
62) Ponytail holders on a bad hair day
63) Pretty red cups
64) Steak Fingers
65) Peppermint Bark burning in the mircrowave (It really turned out to be funny!)
66) Understanding girls who did not complain when the peppermint bark burnt.
67) Extra peppermint sticks to make more peppermint bark
68) Mr. Frank and his prostate
69) Pot Roast with vegetables and gravy
70) Provolone Cheese on Eggs
71) Hollywood actors and actresses (I know they get paid HUGE amounts of money that doesn't always seem justified, but they are entertaining)
72) 2 hour school delay

I had over 12 resplendent moments on January 6, 2010


Two Good Days

As stated above, the past two days have been unexpectedly pleasant. It's always a guess what students will be like after a long break, they are usually wired or tired. Luckily, all 15 were the latter. :) We have had two productive days, and I'm hoping for the week to continue as such.
I feel like I'm back in the rhythm of my routine and spend most of my time at school. While this sounds a bit boring, I usually enjoy my time with or without my students. I have been staying at school until a quarter til 5 and it makes my mornings go smoother with less stress.
I'm spending my evenings in my room. Which is a bit anti-social on my part, but I don't think that's a bad thing right now, I'm just not in the mood for much chit-chat. I still talk to my cat though, mostly because he doesn't answer back.

Positive Count-Up
47) A good night of rest
48) Not being sad when waking up before the alarm
49) Art in the mornings
50) Attentive students
51) Successful Shurley English lessons
52) Fractions
53) Mixed Berry Medley with Splenda (Breakfast for the low-carb dieter)
54) Delicious Salad for lunch
55) Rotisserie Chicken (Impulse buy) :)
56) Ms. Frizzle and the Magic School Bus
57) Basinger Propane
58) Pay Day!
59) Bananas & Oranges
60) Miche Bags & Shells
61) Laura Ingalls Wilder

I had over 15 resplendent moments on January 4-5, 2010.


Just An Average Sunday

My day started out special, I awoke before my alarm. This is usually not a positive start to the morning, and unfortunately, this wasn't any different. However, it did make me thankful for #32. I spent the day watching movies and cleaning. A perfect balance of laziness and productivity. I took down the Christmas tree, lights, and decorations, so now my living room looks bare.
Christmas trees create a curious situation. When you are preparing to put a tree up, you try to put it in a place that can be viewed but not in the way. This can be difficult because who really has that much room? But a month after the decision has been made and the tree put up, it's time to take it down. Suddenly there is more room than you imagined! Curious.
I spent the last part of my evening at my friends' house watching more movies. I wouldn't recommend Inglorious Basterds if you aren't a fan of gore.

Positive Count-Up
32) Anti-diarrhea medicine
33) DVDs
34) Warm blankets
35) Slipper boots and pajama pants
36) An almost clean kitchen and living room
37) The green Christmas lights in my room that aren't coming down
38) Candles, and along with candles;
39) Fire
40) Jenna, my lovely hairdresser, whose handiwork is earning me compliments left and right.
41) A warm shower
42) Scrubbing Bubbles and my giant cleaning battery operated toothbrush
43) Sensual Amber body cream
44) "The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin"
45) Book lights
46) Goals and a plan for tomorrow

I had more than 14 resplendent moments on January 3, 2010.

Day of Driving

Today I drove home from Clay Center. I left later than planned, then shopped longer than planned, so I didn't get home until 6 hours after leaving. Willoughby and I were both very glad to see Ransom looming above the misty cold fog. We were greeted with a door that wasn't supposed to be open and a very chilly house.
Because I was looking for the positives today for my blog, I simply checked the house for anything strange, closed the door, turned up the heater, and began unloading my car. I wonder how I would have reacted if I wasn't looking for a glass half full of something warm to drink.

Positive Count-Up
18) Green traffic lights
19) Waldenbooks
20) Aldis and cheap food
21) Mandi, My best friend
22) Dillons gas discount
23) Stella, My wonderfully reliable, safe, fuel efficient, 2010 Ford Focus
24) An unexpected wave from a fellow I-70 driver
25) The beautiful fog laying over the highway
26) Pulling into the gravel road leading home
27) Shellby, a good friend
28) Monroe, such a cutie
29) Willoughby cuddling with me on the couch
30) www.hulu.com
31) Going to bed early.

I had more than 13 resplendent moments on January 2, 2010.


The First Happy Moments of the Decade

I had such a wonderful time today. We stayed up to ring in the new year with Pitch and a few fireworks then finally got some sleep. Breakfast was fun and the rest of the day spent inside with friends and family. Then bed again. A truly wonderful way to kick off the new year and new decade. Happy 2010!

Positive Count-Up
1) Chocolate
2) Pitch
3) Slush Punch
4) Sparkler Bombs
5) Night time Parachutes & Power lines
6) The Office
7) An air mattress at Christy's
8) Micky Mouse Pancakes
9) Positive Encouragement
10) Inside Jokes (Daddy Duck!)
11) Nertz!
12) Spades
13) Taco Soup
14) My grandparents
15) Catch Phrase
16) Hugs from friends
17) Arrested Development

I had more than 17 resplendent moments on January 1, 2010.


Just Look On The Bright Side Of Life

After watching Julie & Julia I was even more inspired to write a daily blog, but I needed something specific. Something with a purpose. I'm not exactly sure when, where, or why inspiration struck me. Why don't I write a blog that focuses on the positives of regular life.
We are so quick to remember the disappointing moments in a day, or focusing on the negative aspects of whatever lies in front of us. Possibly it's human nature, I don't really know. What I
do know is, that I don't want to be a "Debbie Downer" sucking the fun and positives out of every situation. I'm going to do the opposite. I will be focusing on the positives that happen during my average day-to-day life. I'm going to number each positive note, and wait to see just how many happy moments crowded my day.
I hope you enjoy reading about my resplendent moments throughout the year.