Which direction would you move to get to your dream location?


How am I suppossed to come up with a title for such a random entry?

Yesterday I stayed late after school and left said building without my computer. Guess what...I survived! :) While I'm very glad we have such advanced technology now-a-days, the feeling of being "unreachable" is somewhat refreshing. I've heard people say this type of thing before, but didn't ever think those words would cross my mind or escape my lips, or pour out from my fingers onto a keyboard. Tonight, however, life is back to normal-at least in the technology sense.
Even though I clearly stated in my last post that I would not be sleeping in, I slept in. If you are reading this and you know me, I know you are not surprised. I just can't help the fact that I love sleeping. Willoughby wakes me up every morning and sits on my chest and just looks at me with his half open eyes that say, "just five minutes more...please?" Either that or it's "If you move one more time, or that stupid phone alarm vibrates even for a nanosecond, my claw will be ripping your face apart." Sometimes it's hard to read cats' expressions.
After a late, shaky start to the morning, I headed to school. The day was a normal Tuesday and I stayed after school until 5:30 working on random items that needed to be taken care of before the next day. Basically, I live the same life everyday. It's boring and routine, but I think that makes the simple non-routine day seem extraordinary. Maybe that's why I get so excited just to go to Hays to go grocery shopping. Why I look forward to seeing friends and family three hours away. Maybe it's also the reason that I look forward to coming home after long trips.
I've pretty much decided that I'm staying in Ransom this summer. It's going to be a lot different from last year when I was constantly traveling, but I think it'll be good for me to stay put for a while.

Positive Count-Up
98) My big blue towel
99) Q-tips
100) Reaching my 100th Resplendent Moment already!
101) Washing machines
102) Dryers
103) Completing almost all of my to-do list, for the time being
104) Janitors
105) Crossing off to-do list items
106) My pretty new notepads with special designs for every month
107) Microwaves
108) Civil conversations about students with a parent
109) Receiving a compliment from parent mentioned in #108
110) Students making new discoveries
111) Tuning forks and the questions they cause you to ask and answer
112) Advil, greatly needed after fifteen students made new discoveries with nine tuning forks
113) Watching high school basketball footage of Travis
114) "The Unraveling of Santa Claus" by Todd Vogts, proofed by Travis Schafer
Todd, you'll have to comment about how my lovely blog readers can find themselves a copy of your book, so they too can learn, "How Obama drove Santa crazy."

I had over 16 resplendent moments yesterday and today.

1 comment:

  1. Rebecca,

    I would be happy to help your readers get a copy of my book.

    All they have to do is go to http://stores.lulu.com/todd_vogts

    I appreciate any and all purchases, especially since I plan to use any proceeds from the book to help fund my master's degree.


    Todd Vogts
